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African Continuum Theatre Company

Benefits of Induction Training

When a new member joins a company, they don't know what it has to do with the company, the various departments, and key people who run the company's daily business. He may have done his homework to find out which industry the company belongs to, but insider information can only be given at launch.

The main purpose of the introduction is to attract new employees to the company's operating machines. But nowadays, there’s been lot of fear of COVID-19, so induction training for COVID-19 is really important or you may opt for COVID-19 induction training via

Read on to find the 5 benefits of induction learning

1. Icebreaker

When new employees gather for introductions, they get to know their coworkers and maybe even management. Induction helps them to introduce themselves to each other and to allow personal interaction with management.

2. Department knowledge

An employee may have to go through a lot of formalities in the first few days after joining. This can be flooded by a number of different departments and can get lost in information. Induction functions as an information basket for the department, where employees can find out the number of departments in the company and their functions, location, etc.

3. Human resource policy

Although personnel guidelines can be specified in the offer letter, the time of introduction serves to strengthen the guidelines in the minds of new employees. Important rules such as lists, arrears, dress codes, and work behavior are discussed.

4. The role of work

Induction helps describe the work profile of new employees in detail. This helps him to position himself smoothly in a job role. The innovative seminar, which was held as part of an introduction, explained the contribution one made to the overall growth of the organization. Strengthen employee ownership in the workplace.