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African Continuum Theatre Company

Best Natural Supplementation For Bone Health

Bone health requires sufficient supply of quality natural supplements for healthy bones and the prevention of osteoporosis. Bone health is an important issue in today's society, because most people do not consume enough nutrients to promote healthy bones. Most people do not know that more than calcium's are needed to create and maintain a healthy skeletal system. 

Other nutrients such as vitamin D and magnesium are also essential in the development of healthy bones and the prevention of osteoporosis. In addition, some people need vitamin for bone supplements and traces of minerals such as copper, zinc, boron and manganese because they simply do not have enough.

People who can be the most likely nutritional deficiencies related to bone are women. Women have in fact a risk of osteoporosis development 5 times higher than men. Indeed, the hormones that act to protect the skeletal system begin to occur in the middle of adulthood in women, which led to menopause. 

With the fall in hormonal protection, women's bones can become porous and fragile, leading to a complete loss of bone health and from more than 1.5 million fractures each year. In addition, women are less likely than men to consume foods that promote healthy bones such as dairy products because they are often high in bold. But for most women and some men, even drinking milk is not enough to promote adequate bone health.