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Common Rapid Prototyping Techniques

Many of the benefits of rapid prototyping have made the service popular and much sought after. There is a manufacturing company that offers services to meet specific client needs and requirements.

Rapid Prototyping process requires a number of different techniques to perform the model required by the client and below are some of the techniques of the most typical in today.  You can also get the best rapid prototyping services in London, UK to get a digital representation of how the software or application looks like.

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SLA – This stands for stereolithography, and it is a process that ranges from the selective polymerization of photosensitive resin using ultraviolet light.

A laser beam of light is located on the photosensitive resin and has a keg in a way such that the polymerization in combination section boundaries before cured polymer layer is later revealed to allow the fresh liquid resin to hide it.

This technique comes with the advantage of providing high details and a good surface finish and accuracy for different industries.

SLS – It stands for selective laser sintering and is among the most typical rapid prototyping services and techniques offered today. This technique has a high power laser beam melt and fuses the powder material that is spread on a layer.

Counter-top rotating rollers used on the table to spread the powder in the right quantities and the meter before melting takes place. It produces a fake prototype of Destructive porous surface finish and strength. It is also a process that can handle a variety of materials and no post-curing is required so as to minimize construction time.