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African Continuum Theatre Company

Conservative Neck Pain Treatment

Neck pain can happen to anyone at almost any time. Although it is often caused by a pinched nerve or only of muscle fatigue in your neck, shoulders, and upper back, sometimes there are other causes such as car accidents or overstraining when moving.

Often, neck injury occurs from muscle fatigue. Although painful, most times it does not weaken and can be removed using special conservative techniques.

Conservative Neck Pain Treatment

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What Conservative Treatment?

Conservative treatment is any treatment options that do not require surgery. Conservative treatment, especially for the neck, shoulders, and upper back can include measures such as massage therapy, chiropractic therapy from a licensed chiropractor, stretching, and relieving over-the-counter.

Cause and other therapies

Sometimes, the symptoms can be caused by a pinched nerve, or in severe cases, from sciatica or bulging spinal disc. Sometimes the muscles and tendons around the nerves, whether in the back, shoulder, or neck, become swollen and difficult to move.

Conservative treatments can help with a variety of massage therapy and stretching exercises that chiropractors or massage therapists can use with patients.

When symptoms resulting from sciatica, conservative care practitioners can help with spine and stretching exercises such as bridges and planks and various stretching exercises for back and abdominal muscles. Whirlpool and hot water therapy can also help relieve pain, and eliminating over-the-counter.