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African Continuum Theatre Company

Dealing With Employee Absence

Employee absence is a contentious issue for many companies and HR departments, especially for employees who take annual leave or sick leave in excess of a reasonable proportion. In the past, it was often difficult to determine whether employees were actually consuming more than their weekend allowance or to tell employees how many days off they had left. 

However, modern vacation tracking tools via make it clear how many vacation workers have accumulated and when they need more. Increasing employee independence and accountability for their absences can be an effective way to reduce illegal leave. Unauthorized absences have a significant impact on companies that can lose many consecutive days of work each year due to individual absences. 

What Features you really need for an ideal Leave Management System?

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By using advanced absentee management tools, you can also reduce the workload in the HR department to monitor employee activity. Automatic monitoring informs managers of their employees' models and habits before they become more relevant. In the most severe cases, this data can also be used as evidence of contract termination. Finding reasons for absenteeism can also help you make changes aimed at limiting lost workdays at your company, especially if the reasons are medical in nature. 

If you do not provide adequate health coverage as part of your employee benefits package, employees may not be able to afford expensive medical procedures and must take time off work to recover naturally. Offering a personalized health insurance plan can be very cost-effective and mutually beneficial to ensure workers get back on their feet and get back to their desks in no time.