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African Continuum Theatre Company

Different Features Of Telegram

Telegram offers a variety of extremely beneficial tools and options to create content that is diverse. For example, during making up a channel, you can make use of hashtags, polls, and quizzes as well as create groups related to the channel, as well as save important messages.


If you link your Telegram chat to your channel, any messages you publish via the Telegram channel will automatically be uploaded to the chat.

This means that you could create an open Telegram channel, where you'll provide updates to anyone wanting to take them in. You can also find various telegram channels via

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You can also connect to a private chat group (chat) with the channel and you can invite only the most knowledgeable and engaged readers to provide honest feedback.

You must make use of Telegram chats whenever you are trying to connect with your readers. Chats do not just permit you to take surveys, but also directly ask your followers what their opinions are about your content.

In the end, Telegram chats are actually collective thinking. They can help you make your ideas come to life. Your audience will provide feedback, and perhaps even transform an idea that you have in mind into something that you did not even consider initially.


The term "hashtag" refers to an additional word or multi-word structure followed by a hash. It is used on social media and blogs for searching for information.

The principal purpose that this app has is its ability to aid in the organization of messages on the Telegram channel.


In order to enhance the efficiency of Telegram the creators have come up with three kinds of polls:

  • Open
  • Anonymous
  • Quizzes