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African Continuum Theatre Company

Everything You Need To Know About Electric Pool Covers

It's springtime and many homeowners begin to think about opening their pools for the season. Did you know that electric pool covers can actually allow you to use the pool at the beginning of the year and use them well in the cold months? If you live in a sunny area, this could be a great way to get more out of your pool, begin to harness solar energy and go green!

electric pool covers

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How do Electric Pool Cover Work?

The swimming pool covers have two features that allow it to work efficiently. 

First, they absorb the sun's heat and light with a network of air pockets. This bag looks very similar to bubble wrap you use to protect your valuables while on the move. The plastic bubble of air and absorbs heat from the sun and then transfer them into the water through the lower layer efficiently.

Second. the bottom layer also performs the function of both the cover. This layer acts as a kind of one-way streets, allowing the heat from the outside while trapping heat in the water. This is done with a space-age, UV-resistant material. 

In this way the heat that is already in the water you do not escape.

Is It a Budget-Friendly Option?

Yes, solar pool blankets can save you money. They can do this in several ways. Most importantly they reduce the use of electricity or gas to heat water. By trapping the heat already in the water and add heat to the water when the sun is shining, the cover reduces heating job that has to do.

They also prevent water evaporation. This means you have to add water to the pool less often, saving money on your water bill and conserve natural resources are our most valuable.

What Time Of Year Are They Used?

Generally, they are used just about when the sun is shining. They are the best in climates that experience abundant sunshine but have cold temperatures in the spring and autumn. In this climate, the cover can extend the swimming season by weeks or even months.

Are They Expensive?

In short, no, solar blankets are not expensive. For typical 12'x24 'underground pool, the cover itself will cost about $ 300 to $ 500 This is a little more than a plastic swimming pool cover that is comparable. But remember you will save money on your power and water bills as well. Usually solar cover will pay for itself in just a few seasons.

Are They Hard To Use?

It includes a roll in and out in the same way as an old-fashioned plastic blanket. Solar cover slightly thicker than the old version, so that the reel is used to roll them may need to be slightly larger. Every other aspect of the cover is the same as the normal pool cover.