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African Continuum Theatre Company

Farming Equipment Buying Guide

We should all discourage theft by effectively marking all equipment. Some say that while marking equipment may increase the likelihood of it being returned if stolen, it does little to prevent it from being taken in the first place.

At first glance, this may seem accurate, but another measure should be simple signage. You can buy good-quality farm tools and equipment from renowned suppliers.

By placing only a few signs on your property that clearly states your property is being watched and that all of your equipment is marked does indeed discourage theft. Have you ever approached someone's house where a sign was posted that stated "Beware of Dog?"

It is sure that you must have taken a good look around before you entered the yard! It's the same reasoning. It causes thieves to think twice by increasing their sense of risk while at the same time reducing their sense of reward.

Metal stamping kits are another great way to mark your equipment and once set up with a number or number/name combination the task of marking numerous items is considerably faster.

Now that you have properly marked all of the tools and equipment that you can't live without what do you do?

In addition to the marking process, you need to maintain a written inventory of the items marked, the date they were purchased or acquired, a description, and the number, name, or symbol with which they were marked. 

When you take the picture, try to include some permanent aspect of your farm, ranch, or property in the background such as a house, barn, or outbuilding. This simply adds validation to your claim for insurance purposes and can increase the chance of conviction should the thief be captured and tried.