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African Continuum Theatre Company

Golden Rules Of Piercing Aftercare

The recipe for a good piercing calls for one part quality piercing and two parts religious piercing. If you want your new piercing to heal well and look great for years to come, this is the place to be! 

Simple follow-up piercing tips will guide you on the path to a happy and well-healed piercing. Even if you're a staunch veteran, you can find at least one piece of wisdom in this aftercare guide that you'll appreciate. You can also buy piercing aftercare spray via

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If you want your new piercing to heal completely, you need to keep it clean. There are several possibilities for this. As per best practice, neither method involves soap of any kind.

If your piercing offers to clean the outer piercing with soap, be sure to use a mild detergent – such as baby shampoo. Before you go there, try one or both of these natural options:

The best piercing sprays for aftercare are physiological sprays – sprays like Recovery Piercing Aftercare Spray and H2Ocean. Consider purchasing an advanced spray in 2 sizes: a larger bottle for daily thorough cleaning at home and a smaller bottle to carry.

If you have an internal piercing, you'll need a piercing mouthwash rather than a treatment – no alcohol mouthwash, which can dry out your piercing and slow the healing process, but sea salt-based mouthwashes like H2Ocean the Arctic and Lemon Ocean mouthwash.

You should spray your new piercing 3-6 times a day with an aftercare spray. If your piercing has an entry and exit point, be sure to spray both holes well.