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How Can You Pack For Moving House In Sydney

Make a detailed inventory list

These are extremely helpful if you have large collections of books, CDs, trinkets, etc. It’s okay if you write just “Books” on the labels of your moving boxes. However, if you have a specialized literature collection, which is not kept in a single room, we recommend typing out detailed inventory lists.

That way you can upload the spreadsheets on your phone, while you print out and stick copies to each box. To avoid any kind of hassle while moving, it would be highly recommended to hire Sydney removalist services.

Pack one room at a time

This is one of the most important packing tips which for some reason often gets neglected. There is a debate whether storing your items by room or by category is better. It really depends on what’s easier for you. 

Nevertheless, we recommend packing your belongings by room. Doing this will help you stay organized and will later tell the movers, or anyone unloading, which box goes where. Additionally, you can begin unloading and unpacking your items in reverse – from the top to the ground floor. 

Begin with the items you know won’t need any unpacking, then move the remaining boxes. This will also prevent unnecessary strain on your muscles as by the end of the relocation process you will probably be too tired to climb stairs with even more items.

Do not exceed the limit of 30 pounds per box

This is of high importance, if you move abroad, as there will be many more moving boxes to pack for sure. You might get a back injury or one of the boxes might not be able to withstand the weight when moving it. Pack light items in large boxes and heavy items in small boxes. This packing tip alone will save you a great deal of pain… literally.