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African Continuum Theatre Company

How to Plan for Retirement in Comfort in Malvern

After many years of focusing on a career, most people look forward to the day they can retire and have time to do all those things they never got time for. By the time a person reaches the age of 65 most will retire and most companies expect you to retire at that age. The question is will you be able to retire with comfort?

There are many people that realize too late that they might be at the right age for retirement, but that they can't afford to retire. If you don't make provision while you are still working you might have to end up working much longer than you anticipated. You can also look for lifestyle retirement communities in Malvern via




The following are things you should consider:

1. Start saving early in your working life. There are many options from saving plans to retirement annuities or investments.

2. Invest in a good medical plan. You might be in perfect health but with age comes ailments and you never know when you will need more money for medical expenses.

3. Reduce your living costs. You can move to a smaller place or consider a retirement village.

4. Consider a part-time job. Teachers who retire can for instance offer extra classes. It can only be for a few hours a week. A hobby such as sewing or crafts can also become an extra income. You will do what you enjoy without being tied down to a full-time job.

It is never too early to start planning for an easy retirement.