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Know More about CSA 2010

CSA stands for Comprehensive Safety Analysis. CSA 2010 is an initiative to improve security and compliance enforcement agency programs. The ultimate goal is to reduce the number of buses and large truck crashes with injuries and casualties that come with it. The 2010 initiative of the CSA constitutes four major essentials – measurement, intervention, information technology, and safety evaluation.

The measurement system usually evaluates safety performance on the basis of data collected from drivers. However, based on the level of interest, evaluation methods can vary. For example, it can be assessed based on four benchmarks – the driver, accidents, safety management, and vehicle. You can check out customs self-assessment program in Canada online.


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CSA 2010 has implemented a measurement system best so far. Evaluating the data by grouping them into seven categories, known as Basic (Behavioral Analysis Safety Improvement Categories).

Seven categories of these basics are: experience an accident, securement of cargo, maintenance vehicles, drugs/alcohol, driver fitness, fatigue driving, and unsafe driving.

Evaluation data will be highly dependent on the exact time and causation of accidents. If the basics are found either, FMCSA will not interfere with matters of the carrier. In this state, the system will inform the CSA 2010 also FMCSA, if the operator's performance reached a level that is unacceptable.