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Safety Measures That One Must Follow During Online Banking

Managing personal and business finances has never been easier! Direct depositing of employee paychecks has become the norm. Account monitoring and fund transfers can be accessed online, at the touch of a button.

This convenient approach to conventional banking doesn’t come without risk, however. It’s more important than ever to be super savvy on best-practices to keep your accounts and funds secure from online thieves.

You can find more about credit union online banking through various online sources.

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Following are some key ingredients to help you avoid being a victim:

Use Strong Passwords

Avoid using passwords that hackers can easily guess (e.g., 123456, password, abc123). Use a unique password that has a combination of letters (upper/lowercase), numbers and symbols.

Use a Secure Network

Avoid using public WiFi to access financial accounts. Be suspicious of all computers (even the library or your friend’s computer), as they may have viruses and spyware installed.

Be Wary About Sharing Personal Info

Revealing too much about yourself online only helps potential hackers…which is prevalent in today’s social networking world. Seemingly innocent information such as pet/children names and past schools can easily be linked to account passwords or security questions.

It should go without saying that you should never reveal the following online: your mother’s maiden name, your social security number, bank and other financial account numbers or your username/passwords for any account.

Maintain Anti-Virus Software

Keep virus protection software up to date. Viruses may record keystrokes and other tactics to obtain account information.