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Solar Rebates In Victoria: What You Need To Know?

Solar rebates have been popping up all over the place, but since they're not widely publicized, it can be hard to know what exactly these rebates are and how you can get them. This article gives a breakdown of the types of solar panel rebates available in Victoria and how to obtain one.

Commercial solar rebates in Victoria are one way the government helps promote solar energy. They are offered to businesses and other organizations that install solar panels, usually in an effort to reduce energy costs. Rebates can come as a cash payment or as a reduction in the amount owed on your solar loan or lease. 

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To be eligible for a commercial solar panel rebate, you must meet certain requirements, including having a signed contract with the installer, being in Victoria County, and having at least 1 kilowatt of installed solar capacity. You may also need to provide documentation of your installation costs, such as invoices.

Rebates are typically available for new installations only, but you may be able to receive a reimbursement for improvements or upgrades to your existing system. Rebates are usually valid for five years but can be extended depending on the terms of your contract. 

If you're interested in getting a commercial solar panel rebate in Victoria, be sure to ask your installer about eligibility and how to apply. You can also find more information on the government's website.