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African Continuum Theatre Company

How To Remove Coyotes From Your Place

Coyotes are a serious problem and if you have a problem with them attacking pets, livestock or you suspect that there are sick coyotes in the area, you should immediately call for help.

You may get services for coyote trapping and removal by visiting

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There are several products on the market that claim to prevent coyotes from coming to your property. This claim is misleading because it can work for several days and then becomes completely ineffective. You have to re-use mosquito repellent continuously and the price is more expensive than its value.

One of the most effective ways to get coyotes out of your property once and for all is to get them out of your property. You can do this by building sturdy fences that are buried at least one foot underground and extending several meters above the ground to prevent them from jumping or digging under fences.

In line with the same thing, a great way to get coyotes from your home is by keeping your yard clean. Do not store large equipment in your yard, cut tall grass and cut all trees and bushes on your property.

You can try to trap the coyote, but this is very difficult to do. It is also dangerous to get into coyotes that are locked up because they will most likely react with aggression.