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Why Is Search Engine Optimization Such A Popular Discussion Topic

Search engine optimization is one of the topics most discussed and controversial on the internet today. Also, it is one of the most misunderstood topics.

In its basic form, search engine optimization is the act of altering a web site that does well in the organic, crawler-based search engine list. Explore more details search engine optimization through

Why Is Search Engine Optimization Such A Popular Discussion Topic

Image Source: Google

Now even this quick definition of the point of search engine optimization can cause a passionate debate about the meaning and purpose of SEO.

So the question may be asked, why SEO is a popular and controversial topic that causes so much debate in the SEO community and the general internet population particularly website owners. In my opinion, there are 6 reasons why Search Engine Optimization has the popularity that it currently enjoys.

1. Targeted Website Traffic – If you ask the majority of website owners and people within the SEO industry what is the most important factor for a successful business website and/or surgery. Most of the people will say website traffic and even more specifically targeted website traffic.

2. Controversy SEO – Search engine optimization is one of the most controversial topics on internet site operations. Proponents of SEO can say that it provides a viable method for websites to be seen on search engines is important for any website wanting the traffic on the internet today.

3. Money – Search engine optimization is a multi-million dollar business. Search engines generate billions of dollars each year through advertising. Websites earn billions of dollars for their owners every year through the use of search engines either through paid advertising or organic register in the search results.