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Ways To Escalate Your Internet Sales

The methods described in this article are a relatively unknown way to make money online. It involves a sneaky technique that will boost traffic to your site and increase your online sales, even if you have low profile products.

This technique is called SEO. The excellent SEO solutions of New York can be really helpful in increasing your rankings on any given search engine. If you are a business owner, you must invest in these services

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How it works:

For example, let's say you offer products online for $ 97 you explain all the benefits of your product, to show that you have received testimonials from previous customers, etc. You've done a good job with your sales that every human being read there will be no pulse if they do not order your product immediately.

Your customers decide to purchase and click the ORDER NOW button. That's when it starts.

The next page that your customers will notice appears:? "Would you like a discount of 50% for this product you need to do is let me have 2 contacts (email addresses of friends, family or colleagues) which will also benefit from this product"

What do you think will happen?

If it was you, would you try to take advantage of this offer instead of paying full price? You would be crazy not!