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African Continuum Theatre Company

Level-Up Your Small Business By Email Marketing Strategies

Email marketing should be a part of every small business's marketing plan. It provides a way to get contact information from your visitors, a way to stay in touch with them, a way to build a relationship with them, a way to sell products. But it won’t be fulfilled if you're not using a strategy.

Lead capture forms

Putting a lead capture form on your website is easy – even if you have zero technical skills. Usually, your autoresponder system can build the form and install it, too – in just minutes. Then, behind the scenes that information is sent to your autoresponder system so it can automatically send the emails and information promised in the headline. You can take help from marketing firms that provide the best email campaigns for small business.

Image source:-Google

Autoresponder systems.

These systems take some basic information like name, email, and optionally a phone, address, etc. from your visitor. Then, automatically they send out emails; pre-written emails sent on a predefined timetable. The information sent in those emails should be relevant to the offer promised in the lead capture form's headline, or listed benefits.

Email campaigns.

With a lead capture form and autoresponder system in place – to get visitor information and to send emails – the only thing left is to actually write those emails. What you say, and when you say it is extremely important. You can't just send your prospects and customers junk. 

You need to send them high-quality, useful, relevant, helpful, and interesting information on a very consistent basis – forever-or until they unsubscribe. By the way, it's unlikely they'll unsubscribe if you do, indeed, send great information; the information they want, need and come to depend on day in and day out.