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African Continuum Theatre Company

Choose the Best Quality of Licking Mats for Dogs

Licking a Lick pad will calm your dog during storms or fireworks. A licking mat is a square mat that has tiny raised dots on the front and it does not have suction cups on the back. Choosing the right licking mats is the best option for your dog if you want to give him something to occupy his time. It is helpful for extra tongue stimulation and clean your dog's tongue and freshen breath. You can also look for to get the best quality of licking mats online.

Always look for mats that are of the best quality and you can spread healthy treats on them. The best part is filling them with treats will keep your dog engaged and keep them away from boredom.

There are rubber chew toys that look natural but are coated or treated with chemicals that impart a certain flavor and color. These chemicals can cause your dog’s digestive upset and cause strains or may encourage bacterial growth. So, before choosing a rubber chew toy always check these things.

Before licking mats, for dogs, it is important to consider the size. That lick mat should be suitably sized and shaped for your dog, or for the largest dog who may interact with the toy. So, always give them chew toys when they’re safely ensconced in separate crates for some alone playtime. 

So, these are some recommendations for the handful of products that do seem to be eco-friendly, non-toxic dog chew toys.