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African Continuum Theatre Company

Grants for EPS recycling infrastructure In Sydney

Expanded polystyrene (EPS) recycling rates are increasing due to large investments in recycling infrastructure combined with increased industry awareness and knowledge.

The grant allows the organizations to purchase EPS recycling equipment in Sydney which makes it economical to transport and recycle EPS into plastic products. Because EPS does not degrade over its lifetime, it is ideal for the recovery and recycling of almost any application.

While the EPS tonnage transferred from the landfill during the reporting period was 37% of the original target (600 tons per year), the results of the program include:

– Building supply chains to reclaim resources for EPS.

– Raising awareness of EPS as waste.

– Changes in approach and behavior when recycling EPS.

– Capacity building of beneficiaries and their staff to design, implement and promote single-material recycling services (which can be transferred to other materials such as plastic films).

– Provide a model for organizations to design, develop and implement recycling projects.

– Market expansion for updated EPS trading.

Polystyrene can be recycled at many stages in its life cycle. During production, all production waste can be completely recycled back into the production mix for the manufacture of new polystyrene products. 

Waste polystyrene from construction applications can be recovered and recycled during the construction process. It supplies cleaning bags on site and works closely with contractors to collect waste or unused Styrofoam at the end of its life, transport it safely to our manufacturing facility, and granulate it for reuse.