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How to Save Money While Visiting Island such as Fiji during your Vacation?


One of the best and popular destinations to have the perfect holiday is Fiji. Packed with beaches, islands, activities, places to eat and more, Fiji is bound to bring a smile to your face. However, since Fiji is always flocked with tourists, the chance of spending more is always at risk especially for first-time travelers. These tips will not only help you to save money but also allow you to have a great time.

  • Do your homework on hotels and resorts – Accommodation is the number one factor for many travelers. Fiji has tons of hotels, resorts and even bungalows to give you the best staying experience. However, it would be wise to look for deals and discounts before you start booking. For instance, look for hotels and resorts that provide their guests such as a complimentary meal.
  • Do your homework on exchange rate –When it comes to the exchange rate, it usually depends where you are going to travel from. For few it will be cheaper while for others, it may be expensive. And since the exchange rates keep fluctuating, keep an eye on the rate and only then make your move.
  • Do your homework on deals – Many tourist operators have deals and discounts for travelers. Make sure you get the best out of it by constantly doing research online. For instance; couples visiting Fiji for their honeymoon are bound to get discounts even after their arrival.

With these tips, you can have a great time staying in even five star Fiji island resorts.