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What To Feed a Horse – Essential Horse Supplements

In this article, I want to share a little information about what to feed a horse. More specifically I want to talk about a number of different horse supplements and how they can help your horse look and feel better.

The fact is there are dozens or even hundreds of types of horse supplements. There are calf horses, garlic supplements, digestive aids, light coat supplements, and many others. This large selection of horse supplements makes many people new to horse riding confused.

People who have little experience with horses think that the best way to ensure that their horse gets everything they need and the only way to make sure their horse looks and feels good is to buy as many different horse supplements as possible. You can easily get equine energy supplement via

The truth is far from it and if you are not involved in a competitive riding discipline and if your workload is not too high then you only need one or two supplements.

Horse Feed Balancer

One of the main reasons why some horses tend to have bad coats, poor conditions and in general one of the main reasons why some horses don't look good is due to malnutrition.

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If you want to make sure your horse looks and feels amazing, you must supplement your horse's food with all the essential vitamins and minerals your horse needs.

Specifically, I talk about things like iron, copper, zinc, flaxseed oil and soybeans, pre and probiotics, biotin and others.

The good news is that most of the high-quality feed balancers on the market contain vitamins and minerals that I just described and they will dramatically help improve the overall health and well-being of your horse.