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African Continuum Theatre Company

What are the Applications of Glass Wool Insulation?


Pipe insulation, soundproofing, structural filtration and insulation etc, are some of the applications of glass wool insulation. Insulation of different products and then applied in different areas of a structure or building is done by the glass wool. For instance; one of the most widely used of glass wool is in the ceiling area of residential buildings. These are some additional uses of glass wool insulation.

  1. In Pipe Insulation – When it comes to pipe insulation, hot and cold pipes are the most popular choice when it comes to its use. Due to this use, it offers rigid performance. One single slit with a sharp item helps in surrounding the pipe which can then be closed once the placement is done.
  2. In Suspended Ceilings – With the help of inorganic glass wool which is non-combustible helps in the formation of the tiles of the ceilings. When it comes to suspended ceilings, glass wool is mostly used in cinemas, home theatres, recording studios.
  3. In High Performance and Sound Proofing –Already mentioned, non-combustible inorganic glass wool helps in the production of ceiling tiles. Moreover, it helps in not only as sound proofing but it helps to absorb sound offering high performance.
  4. In Cavity Wall and Drywall Insulation – Insulating the areas of timber frame buildings, drywall system areas and steel frame structures are insulated with the help of drywall and cavity wall insulation. Moreover, using glass wool helps in handling and offers much more rigidity.

These are some of the applications of glass wool insulation in Brisbane.