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African Continuum Theatre Company

Hospital Bed Buying Guide

Buying a hospital bed for yourself or a loved one can be very confusing. And mistakes can cut an expensive part of your wallet. But once you understand the basics, you can buy your next hospital bed or nursing bed with confidence. You can easily buy equipment for hospital, home care, nursing beds for elderly & disabled via Lisclare.

Different types of hospital beds are: 

Manual hospital bed:

This is a good option if you are on a budget and don't mind going the extra mile. Extra work is having to turn the bed manually to make adjustments. So if you want the manual type…make sure the person operating the bed is physically capable.

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Semi-electric hospital bed:

Again, this is a great option if your budget is tight. The head and foot of the bed can be adjusted at the push of a button. And that is a wonderful convenience. But the height can still be adjusted with a hand crank. The big part is that these beds are usually covered by Medicare for home use.

Electric hospital bed:

We are now in a hospital bed Cadillac! With fully electric hospital beds, not only can patients adjust their heads and feet at the push of a button, but the height of the bed can also be easily controlled. This has the advantage that it is easier for the patient to go up and down independently.

Adjustable bed:

This bed is designed to "look" more like a real bed. Available in double, full, queen and royal sizes according to your preference.