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Four Emerging Types Of Sustainable Packaging Companies

The increasing number of businesses that are implementing sustainable solutions in areas such as procurement, manufacturing distribution, storage, inventory, and moving has resulted in a growing number of companies. Sustainable packaging companies offer new solutions to meet this growing demand. 

They offer eco-friendly packaging, such as biodegradable papers, eco-friendly plastics, recycled glass, and aluminum, as well as recycled corrugated materials. You can get more information about sustainable packaging via

Biodegradable Packaging

The sustainable packaging companies of today offer more than biodegradable paper products to businesses. These companies offer customized, creative packaging solutions for FMCG companies and help reduce their carbon footprint.

Eco-friendly Packaging

Plastics are unquestionably the most versatile material in the world, but they also make up the majority of the world's polluting materials. It's made from synthetic materials that don't belong anywhere in the world and don’t blend well with nature. Ironically, it's engineered to last.

Recycled glass packaging

Because glass can be recycled endlessly, but still retain its quality and purity, it is very popular in sustainable packaging. Recycled glass bottles are made lighter than paper packaging to reduce carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases emissions.

Recycled Aluminium Packaging

Recycling aluminum can help save precious and perishable goods, as well as protect the environment. According to the aluminum Association, recycling aluminum can also reduce carbon emissions. A tonne of recycled aluminum saves 95% of greenhouse gas emissions from primary production.

Most packaging markets today are driven by low margins and price competition. FMCG companies are particularly driven to innovate and differentiate while end-users demand quality products at a reasonable price.