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African Continuum Theatre Company

The Basic Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology

With the help of Vedic books that emphasize on astrology, individuals can get to know the real purpose and the fundamentals behind this marvel. Although there are a few individuals and scientists have debated on Vedic Astrology when it comes to advanced Western Astrology, Vedic Astrology continuously growing in popularity.

Several thousand years ago Vedic Astrology is made, which followed the ancient Indian concept of repeating the cycle time. Indian Vedic science program is taught orally for thousands of years before ever created in written form.

The whole purpose of learning about Vedic Astrology is to allow individuals the ability to avoid problems before they arise in their lives. The idea is simply to avoid danger before it becomes real.

Many modern astrologers will use the tools that are needed in Vedic Astrology to enable them to predict events that may occur in the lives of individuals.

Vedic astrology is based on a simple study of the stars and find out that the various calculations are different than Western astrology. Each of these calculations is adjusted for each sign of the zodiac that individuals can be born under.

Vedic Astrology system is one that allows the individual to know what might happen in their lives and to be able to give them a potential solution to improve the karma that has been placed in their way of life.