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The Benefits Of Cosmetic Product Testing

Cosmetic product testing has a wealth of benefits that go beyond simply ensuring the safety of consumers. Certain ingredients are banned or restricted by the EU, and there is also an increased awareness of safety issues in recent years.

You can easily find cosmetic product testing online from many sites. Here are just a few of the many reasons why cosmetic product testing is so important:

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– Product safety: One of the main reasons to carry out product testing is to make sure that the products on the market are safe. By testing cosmetics against known hazards, manufacturers can ensure that their products are free from harmful ingredients.

– Regulatory compliance: Testing also helps to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. This can be particularly important for products that may be used in food and drink, as well as cosmetic products.

– Quality control: Cosmetic product testing can also help to ensure the quality of a product. By identifying potential problems early on, manufacturers can fix them before they cause any damage. 

Many cosmetics are tested to determine their safety, as well as to make sure that they meet regulatory standards. As part of this testing process, the products are often tested against a variety of common ingredients and contaminants. 

In the UK, Under the Animal Products (Excise) Regulations 1986, it is illegal to use a cosmetic that hasn’t been tested for safety on animals – even if no animal is used in its production at all. The law was updated in 2005 so that this ban extends to British companies selling their products overseas as well.