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The Use Of Eyelash Extension Tweezers

The lash extension tweezers (apart from a few quite sturdy loading clips) are a very precise and delicate tool that you need to take care of to protect your investment. "How" and "How not" are very clear here, so let's see together!

There are a variety of tweezers for eyelash extensions on the market. You can also buy eyelash extension tweezers via

It's quite difficult to know what suits your style if you don't know it. Here are some recommended tweezers and how to use them for the perfect lash can be found below:

1) Angular Handle – The angle bracket has a straight but small handle at the corner end. Use these pliers to collect lashes from the tray.

2) L-Type – The L-type holder is great for collecting multiple lashes at the same time. That's why these tweezers were specially developed for thick lashes.

3) Angled Tip – Angled tip tweezers are used to isolate lashes on the base or to place thick lashes. The beveled edges are helpful in reaching the root of the lashes to ensure the baby's lashes don't get in the way.

4) Straight Tip – Usually the straight tip is used to isolate the lashes on the left hand. Once you are done with the new set, use a curling iron with a corner handle to separate the lashes.

These are some of the tweezers types which you can consider accordingly.