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African Continuum Theatre Company

Things You Don’t Know About Shungite

The stories of this magical rock are on the rise; this dark, black, non-crystalline stone with fullerenes never ceases to impress. Whether it be the regular shungite, usually containing 30-50% carbon, or the type I, and alternatively ‘Elite or Noble’ shungite, comprised of 92% and more carbon, there are properties to this stone still fairly unknown to the public and to scientists.

We dug deep to discover the intriguing facts about this unique stone; finding the most unknown, unbelievable properties of shungite straight from the world of science. You can visit this website if you want to purchase shungite stones online.

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1) Electroconductivity Properties

One of the most unique properties that distinguish it from any other rock formation on Earth is its electroconductivity. It is also known that one can check the validity of a given stone by putting it to test; if it proves positive, then you are sure to hold a real piece of shungite in your hands.

2) Good for Skin

UV radiation has never been a friend of the skin; and the radiation is a bigger feud increase every year. Applying the cream factor does not protect against radiation UVA / UVB, but it did little to allow regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin after exposure to sunbeams.

3) Curing Dogs and Plants

As you know about the properties of oxidative, you need to know, all the creatures in the natural benefits of this property. Shungite added to cats, dogs, and fish water bowl to cure intestinal problems, reducing substances and metal poisoning, and for the purification of the water, they live in.