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African Continuum Theatre Company

Using ICT To Create Employment And Empower Youths

In the 21st century, every country must implement mechanisms to create a simple time for the prosperity of its citizens. However, this is not the case because most countries are still facing several challenges, such as Unemployment and illiteracy.

Technological advances, particularly in the ICT sector, have created a myriad of opportunities that can be explored by young people to improve their future. ICTs may not be the only solution to poverty alleviation in developing countries, but they are worth it. You can also get the best outsourced ict services via

Unfortunately, some countries pay less attention to innovations in information and communication technology (ICT) because of the potential to address current challenges facing unemployed youth around the world.

The use of ICTs in developing countries to strengthen and create jobs for young people must be vigorously explored and pursued if governments are to drastically eradicate unemployment. It should be seen as a key tool for stimulating countries to grow economically.

Recent statistics show that young people make up more than half of the world's population. According to 2008 statistics, 81 million were unemployed, an increase of 7.8 million over the previous year.

Worse still, 87 percent of the world's youth live in developing countries, where employment opportunities are scarce and limited. However, by adopting ICT, governments can offer young people room for greater prosperity through innovation and exploitation in global markets.

ICT has introduced job opportunities to developing countries for young people who are aware of outsourcing, opportunities for online entrepreneurship, etc.

Large overseas companies prefer to outsource services to companies in developing countries because it is more economical than hiring internal staff.

Obviously, it would be more expensive to hire employees and pay them monthly salaries plus perks such as travel, health insurance, and retirement benefits than simply outsourcing these services to an offshore company with low production costs and cheap labor.