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African Continuum Theatre Company

What are toning shoes?

Toning or unstable shoes were all the craze a while back. The makers of these shoes made extraordinary promises for them. These promises varied from encouraging weight loss to getting rid of cellulite to toning the buttocks to fixing sore backs. The shoes were built with a rocker on the bottom intended for increasing muscle activity to obtain those presumed benefits. However, the science failed to back the alleged benefits of toning shoes and there was a lot of lawsuits from unimpressed customers and several manufacturers had to make multi-million dollar pay outs with the Ftc.

Whilst all of that is in the past you will still find a few of these shoes on the market and they still do have some support from those people who are familiar with the shoes. The footwear can affect the way that you move and then for some individuals that may possibly lead to an improvement in some things like low back pain. At the same time, it may make some individuals with low back pain feel worse. There is a lot of research being geared towards investigating precisely what these shoes actually do and exactly who will benefit from them and who may be harmed by them. Each person are going to react in different ways to them.

Podiatrists seem to especially like these types of toning shoes because of the kind of patients that they see. The rocker sole character of the shoe makes them especially useful for those with a sore big toe joint, as with these shoes the big toe does not have to move as much. However, while that could be helpful for that joint it will put more force on the ankle joint so could create or make worse problems at the ankle joint. It was issues like this that led to the legal issues in the past and need to be taken into consideration by anyone suggesting or using these shoes. They do have their uses and they can be helpful for the right individuals with the right problem.