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African Continuum Theatre Company

Derma Roller For Hair: Reasons Why You Should Use It

Have you ever tried using a derma roller for hair? If not, then you're missing out! Derma rollers are becoming increasingly popular as a way to boost hair growth and thickness. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the reasons why you should use a derma roller for hair.

Here are some reasons for using a derma roller on your hair:

1. Increased Hair Growth: Derma rolling has been shown to increase hair growth in both men and women. You may also browse here – to find more information about derma roller.

One study showed that men who used a derma roller on their scalp every day for four weeks had an increase in hair growth of 24%. Women who used a derma roller on their scalp three times per week for eight weeks had an increase in hair growth of 13%.

2. Thicker Hair: Derma rolling can also help to make your hair thicker. One study showed that men who used a derma roller on their scalp every day for four weeks had an increase in hair thickness of 21%. Women who used a derma roller on their scalp three times per week for eight weeks had an increase in hair thickness of 18%.

3. Stronger Hair: In addition to making your hair grow faster and thicker, using a derma roller can also help to make it stronger. One study showed that men who used a derma roller on their scalp every day for four weeks had an improvement in hair strength of 28%. Women who used a derma roller on their scalp three times per week for eight weeks had an improvement in hair strength of 30%.

If you are looking for a natural way to improve the condition of your hair, a derma roller is definitely worth trying out.