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Different Types of Vapes in Canada

Vaping has become a popular way to consume nicotine, especially among people who are trying to quit smoking cigarettes. There are many different types of vapes available on the market, from simple disposable e-cigarettes to more complex mods and devices.

Here is a rundown of some of the most common types of vapes:

E-Cigarettes: E-cigarettes are the most basic type of vape, and usually look like traditional cigarettes. They typically have a cartridge filled with nicotine solution that is heated by a battery to create vapor. E-cigarettes are generally considered the safest type of vape, but there is still some debate about their long-term health effects. If you want to purchase different types of vapes, you can easily explore this link.

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Mods: Mods are more advanced than e-cigarettes, and allow users to customize both the look and function of their device. Mods can include features like variable wattage and temperature control. Some mods use refillable tanks, while others use disposable cartridges.

Pod Vapes: Pod vapes are similar to mods, but use pre-filled cartridges (“pods”) instead of tanks. Pod vapes tend to be small and discreet, making them a good option for people who want to vape without drawing attention to themselves.

Vape Pens: Vape pens are another type of e-cigarette, but tend to be larger and have a more powerful battery than regular e-cigarettes. Vape pens can be used for vaping both nicotine and cannabis products.