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African Continuum Theatre Company

Flood Damage Prevention Methods

Flood damage can be devastating. You have to act quickly and effectively to keep the damage as low as possible. The situation can be very serious and requires the services of a professional company to handle flood damage repair. Here are some steps you can take to solve this serious problem.



Make sure the power is off. Water and electricity are a dangerous combination. Then focus on getting rid of the water. To do this quickly, you need to use a pump or wet vacuum. The more water you can remove, the better. If there is too much water, you may need to get professional serviced with a decent sized hydraulic pump to do the job more efficiently.

If you are lucky enough to remove all water, you can remove all furniture, tools, and gadgets from the water area. You should also remove damaged carpets and let everything dry in the sun. Let the dehumidifier work on the affected area to remove moisture. A humidifier can dramatically speed up the drying process and prevent mold from forming.

Now you need to scrub floors, walls, and all other areas with warm soapy water and a brush. When finished, rinse thoroughly. Spray disinfectant or mildew on the area to prevent mold from forming. Mold loves moisture and spreads quickly if moisture remains in the area. The fungus is harmful to health and can cause upper respiratory tract disorders. This is the most serious risk of water damage and must be prevented at all costs.