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African Continuum Theatre Company

How to Cook Sushi at Home

To make great sushi you need the right supplies. Perhaps one of the most important is the rice cooker. To make delicious sushi, you need to cook the rice first and just the rice cooker will make certain that your rice is just the right texture. Another essential element is the treadmill – which is a simple wooden mat and the nori is set for easy rolling. The shape of various parts of the mat allows easy shaping rolls and ensures a precise form to the rollers. If you want to eat signature bowls then you can browse the web.

A sharp knife is essential to cut the rolls and sushi, and it must be kept moist to prevent sticky ingredients to separate larger portions. To eat sushi itself, it is traditional to eat with chopsticks, which are two long strips of wood that are specifically designed for sushi.

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Make your own sushi can be a simple and enjoyable activity. To begin, one of the most basic sushi ingredients needed is the sushi rice, a bad taste, style short grain rice regularly used to keep fish and sushi set. The particular taste that this type of rice is attributed to a special solution applied to vinegar after cooking, which gives it a sweet taste that is particularly pleasant.

Another essential material you will need is the seaweed wrap, known as nori name. Nori is packed in boxes of 10, 50 and 100, so it is usually best to try different flavors and sizes until you find one that is comfortable for you.