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African Continuum Theatre Company

Important Things About 3MMC Powder

3-methylmethicatinone is a molecule from the substituted cathinone class. Catinones are a subcategory of amphetamines that have the basic amphetamine structure of a phenyl ring bound to an amino group (NH2) via an ethyl chain and additional methyl substitution on Rα.

3-MMC (3-methylmethicatinone) is a relatively new substance that has become increasingly popular in recent years. You can also get information about 3MMC powder through the web.

Pure MDMA Powder

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3-MMC and other catinones differ in their substitution with ketones on the beta carbon backbone of amphetamines, meaning that they are β-keto-amphetamines. 

3-MMC has two methyl substitutions on its catinone backbone, one for the phenyl R3 ring and the other for the nitrogen RN group. 3-MMC is an analog of mephedrone; These are identical in structure in the expectation that the methyl group will be assigned to R3 instead of R4.

3-MMC Powder is sold for research use only and may not be used for any other purpose including, but not limited to, in vivo diagnostic use in food, medicine, medical devices, and/or cosmetics for humans and/or animals.

Before ordering, make sure you are suitable for chemical research and that your work area is well-ventilated.

3-MMC has a stimulating, slightly altered consciousness. Consumers say the effect is somewhere between XTC and cocaine. Consumers feel awake, happy, and never tired. You often feel the need to connect with other people. You also feel safer.