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Learn How to Use a Facebook ChatBot to Market Your Business

Today I'll be talking about a Facebook Messenger Bot that was created by Facebook and it's called the Facebook Chatbot. This is an advanced bot that is constantly searching the news feeds of its users. Every time it finds something, it will post it to a list of top trending topics. What I'm going to talk about in this article is how you can use Facebook Chatbot to market your business on Facebook.

As an affiliate marketer, you want to be able to promote your products and services on Facebook and make money on a daily basis. You don't want to wait around for people to come to your website and buy, you want to advertise and get people to know about your products.

The only way to do this is through a Facebook advertising campaign. Because you are an affiliate marketer, you don't have the ability to build a large list of customers for your website. This is why most affiliate marketers opt to make use of a website known as Facebook advertising.

The way a Facebook advertising campaign works is by allowing you to create a page where people can view advertisements. If someone clicks on the advertisement, it will be delivered to them via Facebook messenger. This way you can reach thousands of people at one time.

However, the best part about using a Facebook Chatbot is that you won't need to have a huge list of visitors. All you need is someone to be interested in your products or services and they will be led directly to your website or product pages.

One of the great things about using a Facebook Chatbot is that you can automate your campaign. When you post a new ad or message, it will be automatically sent to the recipient's inbox without having to type it out manually.

Another great feature of a Facebook Chatbot is that it can automatically follow up with their followers. When someone replies to your message it will be added to a database and your Facebook Messenger Bot will go and follow them back.

Facebook chatbots can also be customized with other features such as the ability to schedule emails. The basic set up of your Facebook Messenger Bot will allow you to schedule messages to be sent out on a specific day or at a certain time.

One of the best features about a Facebook ChatBot is that it allows you to create a list of people who you wish to follow. Whenever a new message or ad is posted to your campaign you can add them to the list.

Finally, a Facebook ChatBot is able to respond to messages very quickly. Since the campaign is being run on a bot you don't have to do anything else to create an ad or message and send it out.

Today I want to talk about how you can use a Facebook ChatBot to advertise on Facebook. However, if you're not familiar with Facebook Chatbots it might be best to start out by reading our tutorial on how to make money on Facebook.

So, please consider all this information when thinking about how to promote your business on Facebook. It might be a little bit confusing, but if you use a Facebook ChatBot you should be able to build a powerful list of your own.