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African Continuum Theatre Company

Reasons to Choose Granite Countertops

Granite countertops offer the best aesthetic value, and while there are many reasons for selecting granite countertops, here are the top five:

1. Endurance

The unique and complex structure of granite makes it durable. When sealed properly, granite can hold up to the highest temperatures, resist scratching and staining, and continue to shine for years to come.

2. Natural, a unique and timeless beauty.

The popularity of New York marble may increase, but installing a granite surface means you'll always have a one-of-a-kind surface. Granite comes in various colors, shades, and patterns, which means you're bound to find one that matches your taste.

3. Granite is not going out of style.

Granite has been around for centuries, and it will not disappear any time soon. Its many desirable qualities – beauty, durability, and value – making it the top choice in households today, and will be for years to come.

4. The low maintenance requirements.

The kitchen is often a high traffic area, so it's important to choose a countertop material that can withstand usage. Granite is virtually impossible to crack or break and tolerate high activity without requiring much maintenance at all.

5. Granite increases the value of the house.

Did you install granite countertops in new homes or replacing existing countertops in preparation for the sale of the house, granite countertops often enhance home's value. And the kitchen is equipped with granite countertops amazing is the big draw.