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Understand Automatic Email Management Software

The Automatic Email Manager is a Windows software solution that manages all repetitive tasks concerning incoming emails and attachments that can take up valuable employee and company time.

Automated email manager is a software that can be installed on Windows PC Desktop, tablet or server. It monitors your inbox (or any other folder), detects new emails. It offers many automatic functionalities such as printing, deleting, copying or moving emails to other folders on the server. It also saves attachments and emails onto the disk, merges them in a single PDF, sends automatic forward or reply emails, creates email address lists and much more. You can visit to get automatic email manager.

email management system

The software runs in the background as a Windows Service and does not need any managing to work. All the data is stored locally on the computer you installed Automatic Email Manager to, you keep control of your own data.

Key benefits of using Automatic Email Manager

  • Auto print your incoming emails

  • Auto print your attachments like fax, orders, report

  • Auto save your emails in PDF

  • Auto send email replies, forwards

  • Call API on new emails

  • Collect email addresses for your incoming emails

These are some key features of an automatic email manager. When teams struggle to stay on top of emails, your community can tell. Rather than let the fluctuating state of your inbox dictate the experience of your organization, invest in a tool that ensures people receive the help they need every day. Your team members will be happier, and everyone else will be, too.