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African Continuum Theatre Company

The Advantages Of Using Wooden Coffins Over Concrete Burials

Gravesites are important components of any funerary service and it can be difficult to make the decision on what type of burial to choose. Here, we take a look at some of the key advantages of using wooden coffins over concrete burials. Wooden coffins offer several benefits that can be extremely important to consider when making a decision about which type of burial to choose.

Wood is integral to the natural process of decay, which helps put your loved one in a more natural state after death. A wooden coffin will never require any sort of repair or restoration, making it a long-lasting option. You can also check out the wooden coffins archives at Coffins Direct.

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The overall appearance of a wooden coffin can be very personal and unique – perfect for those looking to honor their loved one in an authentic way. The environmental impact of concrete burials is often considered serious and often times unsustainable – but wood caskets have minimal negative impact on the environment due to their naturally occurring properties.

Though many people believe that wood offers no protection against decay or pest infestation, research indicates that this is not always true – in fact, some type of wood coffin may even confer some benefits in this regard. There are several benefits to using wooden coffins over concrete burials. Coffins made from wood are typically cheaper and easier to construct, making them more accessible to the general public.

Wooden coffins also tend to decompose more slowly than concrete ones, which allows for a more environmentally friendly burial option. Additionally, wooden coffins can often hold more ceremonial or religious belongings than a standard concrete one.