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African Continuum Theatre Company

Types of Inground Trampolines In USA

In-ground trampolines are very safe toys. Unlike traditional jumpers that rely on springs to give them bounce, in-ground trampolines use circular systems that absorb the impact of users when they land. This makes them much safer than traditional jumpers and helps to prevent injuries from occurring.

You can also visit to know more about inground trampolines.

There are a few different types of trampolines, each with its own unique set of benefits. Here’s a breakdown of the three main types:

– Spring-loaded trampolines: These are probably the most common type, and they use metal springs to bounce people up and down. They’re great for recreational use, but they can be a bit bouncy and difficult to control, so they aren’t usually recommended for children under 6 years old.

– Tumble dryers: These trampolines use synthetic rubber discs that spin as you jump, giving you a more stable bounce. They’re perfect for older kids and adults who want to stay active without having to worry about damaging their joints.

– Air Trampolines: These are the newest type of trampoline on the market, and they use compressed air instead of springs to bounce people up and down. They’re incredibly smooth and quiet, making them great for indoor use.

If you're considering purchasing an indoor trampoline, it's important to know the basics before making a purchase.