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African Continuum Theatre Company

Using Acupuncture For The Treatment Of Insomnia

It is estimated that around 6% to 10% of adults face insomnia. Up to 40% suffer from insomnia sometimes. Insomnia can involve difficulty sleeping or sleeping problems with people who wake up at night and have trouble sleeping. If you usually need more than thirty minutes to fall asleep, or you can't sleep through the night, chances are you have insomnia. You can get to know more about medical acupuncture therapy in Etobicoke, ON via

Typical side effects of insomnia include daytime sleepiness, increased risk of accidents, lack of ability to concentrate, and poor memory. We need our sleep to strengthen the memories of the previous day and without enough sleep, our long-term and short-term memories suffer. Chronic insomnia is also associated with an increased risk of heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.

How Does Acupuncture Work?

There are prescription drugs that you can use for sleep but tend to be addictive and are only designed for short-term use. One non-medication way to help you get enough sleep is to try acupuncture, an old practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine that has been found in modern research to help someone fall asleep and enjoy higher quality sleep habits.

In acupuncture, a thin needle is inserted into a special acupuncture point on the body. It is believed that these needles when applied correctly, increase the life force energy flow called "qi." This, in turn, results in returning the body to a balanced state which helps cure all ailments, including insomnia so sleep comes naturally. Modern studies have shown that the use of acupuncture can increase levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which is important in inducing sleep.