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African Continuum Theatre Company

What types of coolrooms?

There are a few types of coolrooms, each with its own set of benefits. Below, we’ve outlined the options and their key features.

Grow Room: A grow room is perfect for those who want to cultivate their own cannabis plants. The room is kept at a steady temperature between 68-75 degrees Fahrenheit, and provides plenty of light. This type of cold room is best for small grows, as it doesn’t offer much space to spread out plants.

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Refrigerated Room: Refrigerated rooms are perfect for those who want to store large amounts of cannabis products. These rooms keep the products cold (between 34-38 degrees Fahrenheit) and dark, which helps preserve cannabinoids and terpenes. These rooms typically have more space than grow rooms and can accommodate larger batches.

Freezer: Freezers are great for preserving cannabis products in dry form. They maintain temperatures between 32-36 degrees Fahrenheit and offer plenty of storage space. However, freezers aren’t ideal for storing live plants since they don’t have any ventilation or air circulation. 

Coolbox coolroom: These rooms can be custom designed to fit almost any specific need, from small spaces that only need a single unit, to large warehouses complete with separate cold storage areas for different types of foods. 

Shade Coolroom: A shade coolroom can provide relief from the heat and humidity outside. Not only is this useful for those who suffer from hot flashes or other symptoms related to high temperatures and humidity, but it’s also great for businesses that rely on heavy air conditioning in summer months.