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African Continuum Theatre Company

Window Glass Repair – A Helpful Guide For Home Owners

Window glass repair is not a chore that we want to start but unfortunately, it is not easy to avoid. I mean seeing broken glass pieces is quite annoying to a homeowner and the best solution is to get it fixed as soon as possible. 

Let me share some tips on this topic below. The best way to repair your windows is to hire a specialist who can do this easily and safely. To get more information about window glass replacement, you can visit

Window Glass Repair

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However, if you feel the need to do it yourself then you need to do it carefully. For one, you should be certain of the fact that all your glass replacement equipment is available. 

Some tools of installation include a chisel, glass cutter, glazing clip, push point, glazing putty, screwdrivers, glass handling cups, and a hammer. Once you have all these ready then you will be ready to start.

If not, I suggest you buy or borrow something from your friends or neighbors. The first important task is to remove the broken glass. I know you think it's easy to stuff but it's really not that easy. 

You need to find out about the type of glass you are removing and its condition. For example, you may find that simply normal glass, which should not be too much of a problem in a two pan tempered, annealed, or insulated unit.